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Hoodland Women’s Club Highlights

By Cathy Lavin

Hoodland Women’s Club Highlights

The Hoodland Women’s Club (HWC) was in its infancy in the 1960s and 1970s. But even then, it balanced social events that brought local women together with promoting and improving the vast geographic area that comprises the Hoodland community.

A community gathering place ultimately christened the Dorman Center was the site of many of these events. While that site no longer exists, HWC continues to support the community with activities geared to 21st century needs. In the fiscal year ending last July, that included charitable giving of $16,313 for scholarships, Welches schools, Spook Alley, Hoodland Christmas baskets, Meals on Wheels, Mt. Hood Unida and individual hardship requests.

Local resident Jean Bevilacqua remembers seeing the Dorman Center being built and the role her grandmother Florence Simmons (a past HWC president who lived to be 101) played in founding the club. She said she spent every other weekend in ZigZag as a child and recalls hours sorting through items for the annual rummage sale.

In February, HWC recreated a Sweethearts Ball, which was one of the earliest activities of the club. In March, club members gathered at Cooper’s Wine Shop for a night of cards and socializing. Member Anne High has begun hosting a weekly crafting group that will sell its creations at Hoodland block parties (the first is scheduled for May 11 from 3-6 p.m. in the Cooper’s parking lot behind Thriftway) and holiday bazaars. On April 9 beginning at 10 a.m., HWC members will pick up trash along Salmon River Road as part of its twice yearly Adopt a Highway activity.

HWC has also expanded promotion of its community fund availability to remind Hoodland neighbors that they can request assistance from the club if they are experiencing hardships that impact their immediate physiological needs, including food, shelter and/or safety. Hardship Assistance forms are available electronically on the HWC website and in paper form at the Hoodland Library, the Hoodland Senior Center and Neighborhood Missions.

While winter is a recent memory, members have already begun preparing for HWC’s major fundraiser of the year, a golf tournament scheduled for Thursday, August 15, at the Mt. Hood, Oregon Resort. Members are contacting community businesses and individuals to let them know how they can participate.

Individuals interested in getting to know others while supporting the Hoodland area are encouraged to become HWC members. Membership dues are $25/year. Members are both full-time and part-time residents of the community. More information is available on the HWC website (just search for Hoodland Women’s Club) or by emailing

Those interested are also invited to attend one of the club’s monthly meetings. The April meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 1, at 3 p.m. at Alpine Events Center where HWC member and local attorney Paula Walker will speak about wills and trusts. Anyone wanting to attend who did not receive an evite can contact board members at the address listed previously.

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