Mountain Profile: Matt Nelson
Place of Birth? Portland, Oregon
How long publishing
the Mountain times? 1 year
Profession? Owner of Active Media Publishing Group
Other professions? No time for anything else
Favorite movies?
Original Star Wars from 1977,
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Favorite Actress/Actor?
Kristen Wiig and Nathan Fillion
Favorite TV shows? Breaking Bad,
Better Call Saul and Firefly
Favorite book?
Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
Favorite type of music?
Hard Rock
Favorite Food?
Pizza and cheeseburgers
Favorite hobbies? I have a rather extensive KISS paraphernalia collection from the 1970’s. I also own a replica Engine 51 and Squad 51 from the 70’s TV show Emergency.
If offered a dream vacation, where would you go, and why?
Japan. I am intrigued by their culture and would fit in height wise.
Best lesson learned as a child? Treat others as you want to be treated.
Defining moment in your life or your greatest accomplishment?
Asking my last girlfriend out on a date and her saying yes. She has been my wife now for over 25 years. Our greatest accomplishment: Having two amazing kids.
A memorable dinner? Skyway’s Mac n Cheese with brisket.
A funny moment from your life that you can share?
Once “borrowed” our neighbor’s cabin for a party without their knowledge.
If you could invite anyone (past or present) to dinner, who would it be, and why? All of my grandparents. I miss them all very much.
Describe yourself in one word? Humble
When you’re not reading The Mountain Times, what book/author/magazine/other do you read? The Zone War series by John Conroe
If your life were made into a play or movie,
what would the title be?
ADHD: The Life and Times of The Crazy Publisher
Pet peeve? The sound of people eating
Famous person(s) you have met, and the circumstances? I met all 4 original members of the rock band KISS. It took me over 20 years to meet all 4, but I finally did it.
Favorite quote? “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build your own door.”
—Milton Berle
Favorite part of The Mountain Times? Publishing it, working with a great staff to put it together and meeting all of the people who read the paper.