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Mt. Hood Lions Club: Mountain Roar

By Lion, Milt Fox

Mt. Hood Lions Club: Mountain Roar

Mobile Health Clinic!
Thanks to those of you who attended our “femforward” mobile health clinicon Friday July 26th. The folks with “femforward” are planning to bring their mobile clinic to the Lions Club the last Friday of every month depending on community need and turn out. They can serve up to 14 patients in a day. Appointments can be made through their website, by texting or calling. Their next visit will be on Friday August 30th at the Lions Club. Watch for our advertising.
Hood to Coast Drive-Thru Burrito Breakfast!
Thanks for attending our drive-thru Burrito Breakfast on Friday morning August 23rd. We had a nice turnout of Hood to Coast runners and their support groups. As always, locals also attended the breakfast, but most not in the early hours. Thanks to Craig Calvert and his crew of early rising Lions.
Coming up!
Welches Charity Open Golf Tournament Dinner Friday September 6th
We’re having one of our famous steak dinners to kick-off the Welches Charity Open Golf Tournament. This dinner is also available to the public, so come out and enjoy a great meal. Friday evening September 6th, happy hour starts at 5:00pm with dinner at 6:00pm. Price is $25 dollars. Bingo following dinner for entertainment. Come out – you’ll have a nice time.
Welches Charity Open Golf Tournament Saturday September 7th!
We will be having a golf tournament in association with the Oregon Resort at the Mountain to benefit our community disaster relief fund. The cost is $100 per person for the tournament. The tournament will be a shotgun start scramble. Food and drink will be available throughout the course. Please contact Lion President Dave Anderson at 971-373-3869 if you would like to register or if you would like to be a sponsor. 8:30am check in and start time will be at 10am.
This year’s fall Bingo season will start on Friday September 27th, and last through Friday November 29th, closing for the holidays. Doors open at 6:00pm with Bingo starting at 7:00pm. Bingo is our club’s largest fundraiser and helps support our scholarship program. Our Bingo Chairperson is Lion Carol Norgard.
What else are we working on!
Red Cross Blood Drives Saturday October 19th and Saturday December 14th
Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Dinner Saturday October 26th.
Christmas Toy Drive Dinner: Saturday December 7th.
More on these and other events in columns to come.
Our President Lion David Anderson reminds us that busy hands are happy hands.
A little about us:
What’s The Mt. Hood Lions Club?
Occasionally people ask me what the Mt. Hood Lions Club is all about. I always tell them that we are a Service Club that tries to serve some of our community’s many needs.
Our club is a member of Lions International, an organization of over 46,000 Service Clubs in 200 plus countries, with over 1.4 million members throughout the world. The Association of Lions Clubs was established in 1917 in Chicago, by businessman Melvin Jones. The Association became International in 1920. The Lions Motto is “We Serve.”
The Lions Club of Mt. Hood: that’s our actual name, but we are always called the “Mt. Hood Lions Club.” The club was chartered May 11th, 1951, with 38 charter members. Our club is noted for its many projects and fundraisers. As Lions we are never to extend our hand and ask for a donation of money. We are very proud to earn our funding through our hard work and the very generous support of our community. I’m told that presently our club has 117 members. We’re the largest Lions Club in Oregon.
It’s great to be a Lion!

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